This is a simple, fresh and dare I say healthy salad with sweet, sour, salty and peppery flavours. Sharon fruit is a member of the persimmon family it has a slighly more woody texture and taste between apple and melon and goes down well on its own or with a sharp cheese and some peppery ingredients like raw onion and rocket. I'm also a big fan of combining sweet and sour elements which is where the gherkins and pommery mustard come in. You're not likely to find pommery mustard in the supermarket and may need to source a good little french deli or Marks and Spencer and if you can't find large gherkins just substitute with smaller one's and use more of them.
Happy Constructing!
6 sharon fruit
1 small red onion
6 large gherkins
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
150g rocket washed
100g parmesan
2 tablespoons pommery mustard
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon maple syrup
60ml extra virgin olive oil
4 basil leaves
Pinch of sea salt
Cracked pepper
Peel the sharon fruit, slice in half then slice into 5mm half circles place in large mixing bowl. Remove the onion's skin and slice in half then cut off the top and bottom and slice very thinly length ways
brake up the onion and add to sharon fruit. Cut the gherkins in half length ways then slice into thin strips, add to the onions and sharon fruit with olive oil and mix together.
To make the dressing roughly chop up the basil and place in mixing bowl with mustard, vinegar, syrup, olive oil, salt and a good cracking of pepper then beat together with a whisk.
Now its time to construct the salad lay half the rocket on a platter followed by half the sharon fruit mixture then shave half the parmesan over the salad and finally drizzle with some of the dressing and repeat layer one more time then the salad is ready to serve.
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