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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Broccoli and Gorgonzola Gnocchi

Not the most attractive of dishes but bloody tasty and a great way to reintroduce broccoli and blue cheese to fussy eaters.
Years ago I lived with my friend Miriam who is a vegetarian and was never a fan of smelly blue cheese till one day I cooked her this meal for dinner. Ever since she has dreams of broccoli and gorgonzola gnocchi and requested that I type up the recipe. This is purely a treat meal and I wouldn't recommend eating every week as you'll see your waist line grow rapidly. Making gnocchi is a semi labour intensive duty and if you're not committed to doing all the chore's feel free to use pre-made gnocchi from the supermarket instead.

1kg desiree potatoes
300g '00' grade flour
1 egg
2 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon cracked pepper
2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 large broccoli
1 shallot
2 cloves garlic
1 red chilli
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and cracked pepper to taste
200g gorgonzola

To make the gnocchi place unpeeled potatoes in a pot and cover with cold water then place on high heat and bring to a steady simmer and cook potatoes till tender about 30-40 minutes then drain. Using a tea towel hold the potatoes while still hot and peel the skin off with a sharp knife then using a potato ricer mash the potatoes. If you don't have a potato ricer use a sieve and press the potato through with the back of a spoon. In a large mixing bowl mix the potato, 2 handfuls of flour, egg, olive oil, salt and pepper together then roll the dough out onto bench top and tip the remaining flour over and around the dough and knead till all the flour is incorporated into the dough. Cut the dough into 4 and roll one of the quarters out to a long snake shape till bout 2cm thick then quickly cut into 2cm pieces and repeat with the 3 remaining balls.
To make the sauce cut off 2cm from the base of broccoli and discard, then cut broccoli into smaller piece's, peel and slice the onion, roughly chop the chilli and garlic. Place sauce over a medium heat then add the olive oil, onion, garlic and chilli and cook till the onion softens then add the broccoli. Saute the broccoli for about 5 minutes then add a dash of water and cover and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove the cover and start bashing up the broccoli into a rough pulp then season with salt and pepper.
Bring a large pot of water to the boil and add 2 teaspoons of salt, place the gnocchi on a chopping board and slide it into the boiling water, cook till gnocchi floats to the top then drain 3/4 of the liquid. Add the broccoli to the gnocchi then break up the cheese and add to the pot and stir gently till a creamy sauce forms around the gnocchi then its ready to eat.

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