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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Roast Duck Salad with Parmesan Dressing

This is a duck version of Caesar salad, healthy spinach and tomatoes hidden in layers of fatty duck, little piece's of toasted white bread and a sharp rich dressing. Maybe save this one for Tuesday night after your organs have recovered from the weekend activities.

2 large duck breast
150g cherry tomatoes
100g baby spinach washed
200g crusty white bread
50ml extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt and cracked pepper to season

100g grated parmesan
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon pommery mustard
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
Small hand full flat parsley leaves
150ml vegetable oil
Pinch of sea salt.

Cut the bread into 2cm cubes and lay out on baking tray and season with salt and pepper, drizzle all but 2 tablespoon of olive oil over the bread and place in a 160oC oven to toast. Cook for 15 minutes and mix up a little half way through this will help them to dry out.
Once the croutons are cooked remove from tray and put aside, on the the same baking tray place the duck and drizzle the remaining olive oil over duck and season with salt and pepper then place in oven and turn the heat up to 180oC cook for 15minutes. After the 15 minutes add the tomatoes to the tray shake around so the tomatoes get covered in the juices and roast for another 10 minutes. Once cooked leave to rest and cool.
To make the dressing place the yolks, parmesan, mustard, vinegar, parsley in food processor and blend for 1 minute. Leaving the processor on slowly pour in the vegetable oil the end result should resemble a thick mayonnaise.
Now its time to put the salad together, on a large platter lay out half the spinach leaves followed by half the croutons and tomatoes evenly placed among the leave's. Tear one of the duck breast into smaller piece's and lay evenly over the salad then spoon small blobs of dressing randomly over all the ingredients. Repeat the layer one more time and serve as soon as possible.

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