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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spring Greens Poached in Cider

Sorry for the absence of recipes the last few day, I've been away from my computer and ridiculously busy. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up with a few extra recipes this weekend.
Yesterday I went on a food foraging lesson kindly arranged by kaffeine's fruit and veg supplier 4DegreesC. A small group of us were guided through the Hackney marshes by foraging expert and author Miles Irving who really did blow my mind with just about every bit of weed, flower, shrub or insect he picked for us to eat. I ate ants that distinctly tasted of sherbet, a grass bud that had strong mushrooms flavours and bulrush which grows in swamps and dissolves on the tongue due to its starchiness.
I've now been exposed to a hole new way of life and cooking and there will a lot more to follow in the next couple of weeks. In the mean time here here's a simple little number I came up with last weeks and really quite tasty. Also I must thank Etienne for his fresh batch of photo's, seriously getting better and better with every photo session we have.

1kg spring greens
2 liters dry apple cider
100ml fish sauce
3 dried red chillies
70g peeled ginger
4 cloves garlic
2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt
50ml sesame oil

Place in a large pot cider, dried chillies, bay leaves, fish sauce, finely sliced ginger and garlic, dark soy, and salt, put over a high heat and bring to the boil. Break spring green leaves away from the stem and wash thoroughly. Slice the leaves into 1cm strips and once the cider stock is boiling poach greens in the liquid for 4-5minutes then strain. Finally toss spring greens in sesame oil and serve either hot or cold.

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